Our Artistic Director Sarah’s mother passed away unexpectedly last year and she is working with this experience to create our next piece of work. We are currently in R&D with our dancers who are also grieving (Lucy and Grace) to begin these explorations. We are interested in researching how grief/trauma healing can coexist in the studio with a creative/choreographic practise and how you might weave the two together. Since everyone in the space is grieving, we are settling into this process slowly and supporting one another to embrace the process without pressure for a performative outcome. It feels tough, exciting, interesting, healing, nourishing and challenging all at once. Follow along to see how it unfolds in the coming months.
A big part of the research and development for this involves collective support and community connection. Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund we are hosting some Grief Gatherings in the Autumn. Visit the Community page to find out more.