
We exist to inspire change in our communities though art,
performance, and dance education
We facilitate learning and support development of dancers and artists by enabling creative thinking and inspiring self-confidence


We create immersive and site-specific performances looking at socially relevant issues. We perform these works across a range of venues (community centres, galleries, outdoors) to push the boundaries of how we view dance and who it can be for
Youth company
We host weekly classes, intensive workshops and festivals that support and inspire young people. They co-create performances which speak to their experiences as well as supporting their personal, creative and physical development
Artist development
We help artists to develop their own work by offering mentoring. We also produce arts festivals that bring together young dancers and artists to perform, collaborate, and learn from each other
We host gatherings and co-create performances with people in our communities. We bring people together to connect them with each other as well as to local initiatives that help
stimulate conversation and change
To support young people and artists to be more creative and confident both in arts settings and in their wider communities.
To use dance and performance arts to simulate change and enliven conversation about social and cultural topics
relevant to our communities.
To bring people together to develop collaborative initiatives that build links across communities within and beyond our work.
To promote cultural diversity and inclusivity via community connectivity and significant contribution to the arts.
To advance knowledge, education, and training for public, individual and community benefit in the art, practice, and appreciation of dance.
To increase and improve individual and collective knowledge, understanding, and skills in dance, choreography, and physical
health and wellbeing.

to date we...
Co-created 3 immersive dance performances, 1 dance film, 2 dance works for stage and 4 site-specific dance works
Co-created & collaborated with over 250 young people to make 25 dance works which have been performed across the UK

Worked across higher education to co-create works for young adults both nationally (Middlesex University, Derby University, The Place CAT) and internationally (Roger Williams University USA)
Worked with over 300 primary school students to co-create work which helps them explore National Curriculum subjects across science and literature using dance and movement
Are currently touring 3 works co-created with 100 participants
Donated 9 tonnes of soil from performances to earth friendly and sustainable charities across the UK
Engaged over 1,200 young people across our weekly youth company classes and annual Youth Dance Festival

95% of people working with Thrive report being significantly more confident
93% report feeling substantially more creative
90% felt extremely empowered
96% felt physically and mentally stronger
100% felt safe, welcomed and supported when working with Thrive

“Thrive has such a wonderful youth company that really develops young people in confidence and resilience as well as developing dance technique” – Sheron, youth company parent
“What you do for young people is so important at a crucial stage in their lives - encouraging them to think of their bodies in a positive, confident way; helping them to be expressive and strong and unafraid. It's not to be underestimated, and you deserve to feel proud of the effect you have on them" -Rebecca, youth company parent
“The gathering had such powerful feeling of support from being in a space where you know everyone has a shared experience – it brings a deep collective understanding and connection” - Zara, community gathering participant
“I really enjoyed the feeling of being part of the show, I have not experienced this elsewhere and it feels so unique and important. It was thought-provoking and beautifully crafted” - Kate, audience member